
Stay in Touch with PolyColumbus

Stay in Touch with PolyColumbus

Want to stay in touch with us?

That’s great, we have many options for doing just that… Understand, building infrastructure that is larger than a single YAHOO group and Events listed on Meet Up and Fetlife, takes time.

And we need your help!


Sign up for our (hopefully) monthly newsletter. You can sign up on the left sidebar of our website or contact us and we will add your email. We will not SPAM you!

Want to see something in the newsletter? Contact us for submission guidelines and deadlines.

Google Calender

A poly person’s best friend right? Well we have one too! You can integrate it with yours and never miss a special event. Find our calender here!


We are on Twitter. What will you find on Twitter? Links to blog posts, announcements, updates, interesting articles, and the newsletter. So if you do not want the newsletter via email, you can access it via Twitter. See something you think we might like to share in your feed? Tweet it at us! Help us spread the word.


We are on Tumblr! What will be on Tumblr? Our announcements, newsletters and other information or perhaps poly quotes and more. Why Tumblr– because several of you asked for it!



Coming soon. We will have a group, where you will be able to access news, announcements, blog posts and the newsletter.

Meet Up

Find our meeting times and special events! If you are a Meet Up user, you can find us here.


Find our meeting times and special events! If you are a Fet User, you can find us here.

Our Website

Our website is slowly becoming the hub. We are trying to drive all information from this site. There are also forums, where you can share information with other members and engage in useful discussions.


Coming soon– Board of Directors Bios and email contact info. If you have a suggestion or want to reach out to a specific board member you will be able to do that very soon.


So remember PolyColumbus is all over the web. Connect with us and stay in touch.