
Video from FtB.com 3 and General Announcements

Video from FtB.com 3 and General Announcements

The videos from FtB.con 3 have been added to the resources tab with the newsletters. Going forward we will try to place videos and other resource material there.

A reminder the newsletter deadline is February 20, 2015. Please fell free to send us links to articles of interest, announcements and anything you would like to see. You may make a comment here or send an email to polycmhtwiitermail at gmail dot com.

Also be advised the forum is going away. While we were hoping to host a lively discussion– that is just not happening and there are so many other avenues available for discussion we have decided to just let the old Yahoo style discussion go by the wayside. We will have a Facebook page up and running soon and we think that will likely scratch that itch.

Related note– there will be several changes very soon on the this site. Fair warning. A new and improved site is coming our way.